The Yard Amphitheater at Ray Brothers BBQ Packs a Huge Summer Lineup
Poster designed by Abbie Fitzpatrick
Ray Brothers BBQ has been “smoking the good stuff” since 2014 with brothers Colin and Tucker Ray continuing to grow their very popular restaurant. Live music has always been part of the vision and with this year’s music series announced, the fun continues with The Yard Amphitheater as a destination venue bringing in an incredible musical lineup and folks from all around the world.
With the rolling hills, spinning windmills, and green beauty as a backdrop, this venue celebrates the wonders and community of Upstate New York. Keep reading for the lineup and check out how the brothers and their dedicated staff are “playing the good stuff” this season.

May 30th: Annual Backyard BBQ featuring Annie in the Water, The Reflexions, and Feed the Fire
June 4th: Keller & The Keels with The Old Main
June 25th: Dogs In A Pile with Adam Brooks
July 2nd: Cassidy Lynn with Jason Wicks
July 16th: Root Shock with Chris Eves and the New Normal
July 23rd: Blue Star Radiation
August 6th: Eddie Montgomery of Montgomery Gentry with Blaine Holcomb
August 12th: Mihali of Twiddle with Mike Powell
August 13th: Ryan Montbleau with Giovanina Bucci
August 20th: SunSquabi with Vaporeyes
September 4th: Annual Hop Harvest Smoke Out featuring Mo Lowda & The Humble with additional acts TBA
For tickets, event info, and more click here.
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