SAMMYS Going Virtual for 2021 Ceremony

The date for the Syracuse Area Music Awards (SAMMYS) was announced Tuesday and the event will be going virtual for 2021. The March 5 ceremony, which normally takes place at the Palace Theater in Eastwood, will instead be live-streamed from SubCat Studios in Syracuse and will include performances by area musicians along with the award presentations.

Awards will be presented in 12 recording categories as well as the People’s Choice Award in four categories, the Brian Bourke Award for Best New Artist, the Jack O. Bocchino Spirit of the SAMMYS Award and the Community Spirit Award.

Syracuse area artists can begin submitting their work for consideration beginning Dec. 1. In a change from previous years, all submissions will be handled electronically only this year.

Only commercially released work available on Apple Music, Spotify or Tidal that was released between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2020, by Syracuse area artists will be considered. Submissions will be accepted until Jan. 6. Artists can submit their work through the SAMMYS website here.

For more information, contact Liz Nowak at and follow the SAMMYS on social media at the links below. 315 Music is a supporting sponsor of the Syracuse Area Music Awards.

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