Hearing Aide: Wallis Bird’s ‘Woman’ – A Journey in Self-Exploration
Wallis Bird‘s upcoming album, Woman, is both a rebellious act of self-advocacy and a call to action. Wallis Bird is an accomplished musician from Ireland with a unique sound. When she was young, Wallis was involved in an accident where she lost all of the fingers on her left hand. Fortunately, all but one were able to be reattached. This has impacted the way she plays her guitar. She performs with it flipped, lending to her distinct musical quality.
Woman comes twelve years after her first album, and it is a reflection on the things Wallis has learned, both about herself and humanity. It serves as a way to impart what she has discovered and to rouse her audience into wanting change. To change the world around them; to be a kinder place.
In “Life Is Long,” Wallis reminds us that while a lifetime may seem like a long period, time itself is very brief. Each moment needs to be savored, which is something that is easy to forget in a world of instant gratification and constant distractions.
In “Salve,” a previously released track from the album, Wallis sings, “I’m practicing what I’m preaching, no else is going to save me,” a lyric which shows she has learned responsibility for her own self-growth. It’s easy to be sold on a version of yourself when you’re constantly fed images via social media. The desire to model yourself after someone else, who appears to be living an ideal lifestyle is tempting, but Wallis seems to ask you to step back from all of that, to evaluate yourself based on your own standards and decide what it is that you truly value. Create your own rubric to measure yourself by and define your own happiness.
Wallis invites introspection in her track “Brutal Honesty,” where she is, as the title suggest, with herself and shows awareness about how her own words impact others. She invites the listener to step inside her thoughts, where an act of intimacy becomes a shared experience with many. In “Repeal” she advocates for the right to decide what is best. In the current political climate, as a woman, others in power feel that it is up to them to make decisions for you. Wallis Bird speaks out against this, fighting to take ownership of her own choices in life.
Wallis Bird presents you with singable tunes that are joyous in sound yet carry deep messages that comes from introspection and reflecting on the changing world at large. It is a blend of soul roots and her love of the various genres that have influenced her. It stands as a testament to who she is and who she has built herself to be.
“Woman” will be released on September 27th. To catch her on tour, you can find her upcoming shows here.
Key Tracks: Salve, Brutal Honesty, As the River Flows.
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