Meet Your NYSMusic Staff: Writer Stephen Lewis


Stephen Lewis has been enamored with music and the written word since he began writing simple poetry and digging through his parents record collection as a young boy in Central New York. What started out as a formative relationship with the written work and sonic arts has developed over his lifetime into a deep analysis and respect. The natural world in addition to authors, songwriters, poets, journalists and musical masters of expression and ideals are his signposts to creation through inspiration.

Stephen has a deep love for the literature and music that was developed in the 1950’s and 60’s, when ideas were fresh and retreads were few. The beat poets as well as early rock and blues players are the cornerstones in which all of his creative excursions are based. Straight ‘rock and roll’ is Stephen’s tonic. Drums, bass, guitar and some honky-tonk piano is all it takes to inspire. Psychedelic rock and jazz following close behind. Being English/Creative Writing major, Stephen has intertwined his love for music in the most natural way, by writing about it.

Stephen’s most respected artists are the musicians with a message, who use melodic sensibility to relate life truths and build mental pictures through their musical creations. Bob Marley, John Lennon, Tim Buckley, Bob Dylan, Jerry Garcia and David Crosby are a few of the artists who Stephen receives inspiration from and enjoys regular visitations to into their catalog.

Stephen’s greatest achievements happen when creating art from nothing, the thrill of a crisp white blank page tucked into a typewriter, a vinyl record revolving in the background. Expressive use of language is his goal, language able to not only express the inner workings of the text’s subject, but also offer a glimpse into the creators mind. His continuing efforts are to turn his freelance opportunities into a permanent position reporting on the world of music, or working as an archivist for one of his favorite bands.

Stephen has traveled for over 300+ live concerts so far in his lifetime, the search for emotive live performances never ending. Regarding his work for since 2013, Stephen concentrates on his Central New York experiences offering commentary on performances and past glories from the area. His musical bucket list is growing shorter by the year but still includes, Yusuf Islam, Teresa Williams/Larry Campbell and Simon & Garfunkel.

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